You are currently viewing GMTH International Music Theory Lectures: online panel « Political Pressure and Abuse of Power in Academia and Music Institutions » (13th June 2024)

GMTH International Music Theory Lectures

13h June 2024

Online panel « Political Pressure and Abuse of Power in Academia and Music Institutions »


The GMTH (society of German-language music theory) is pleased to announce the fifth event in their international online lecture series, taking place on Thursday, June 13, 2024, 19:00 CEST. The panel will focus on the topic “Political Pressure and Abuse of Power in Academia and Music Institutions”.

Two speakers, the composers Stefan Pohlit and Vladimir Rannev, will discuss their experiences in Türkiye and Russia, respectively. The session will be chaired by Ellen Bakulina. Anyone interested in attending may register via this online form:

Further details can be found in the attachment and on the following website:


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